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Service architecture guarantee

equipment installation

Commissioning team

equipment maintenance

Maintenance team

Equipment operation and maintenance service team

Professional field application team

Professional on-site training team

Service quality self inspection team

Project engineering team

Process application technology team

R & D software and hardware support team

Service standardization team

Digital service platform

Training guarantee

New employee training system of the company

On the job system

Standard training

On the job international

Industry standard training

Maintenance case

Field application training

Employee qualification assessment

Service evaluation and assessment

Customer equipment daily maintenance and maintenance training

On site installation and commissioning training of customer products

Customer product fault judgment and handling training

Customer online video training

Satisfaction improvement

Company level research and customer communication

Service platform 400 return visit

Regular door-to-door service and return visit

Push and collect official account satisfaction evaluation

Product satisfaction analysis and improvement

Digital service management and improvement

Service response guarantee

Sound customer product service archives

Sufficient spare parts supply capacity

Linkage response mechanism of R & D, production, sales and service

Service Engineer, technical support, R & D backbone and expert three-level support services

7 * 24-hour telephone service response software and free hardware on-site maintenance within the warranty